Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How to rest or change admin account password in otrs centos linux

How to rest or change admin account password in otrs

Admin account ID depends on what ID you have provided while otrs installation, I assumed you admin account ID is root@localhost and mysql user is otrs. Now here we will rest admin password for otrs account and then rest otrs (mysql user password). otrs is easy to install with .rpm.

change directory to otrs installation directory.

cd /opt/otrs/bin

Now run this script

./otrs.SetPassword.pl root@localhost  password

Now your admin password is changed.

mysql user (otrs) password for orts.

vi /opt/otrs/Kernel/Config.pm

Find this line and change DatabasePw.

$Self->{'DatabasePw'} = 'otrs_db_password'; (before changing password here please update or change orts (user) password in database otherwise otrs may produce error for log in failure.

run this command in /opt/otrs/bin to check all required perl dependencies is installed or not.



  1. in my otrs there is not ./otrs.SetPassword.pl in /opt/otrs/bin , so now how do i reset my password and username

  2. @san shrestha .. you can use below


  3. Hi Sandheesh,
    How can i reset root@localhost password with this .pm file .

    Expecting a Good step from your end


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